Natural Stone

Due to the Coronavirus stay at home order, we are only able to do curbside pick up and deliveries. Please call beforehand or once you arrive. Thank you for your patience!   763-444-6314
Your one-stop shop for quality landscaping materials in North Metro, MN
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Natural Stone

Irregular sheets - Usually pallet size and bigger - 18" to 40" in diameter - May need a Bobcat to move - Sold by the ton

Irregular shapes and sizes - 18" to 24" in diameter - Easier for the DIY to handle - Sold by the ton

Irregular shapes and sizes for natural retaining walls - Covers 15 sq ft/ton - Sold by the ton 

Edging Stone
Size 3"x4" Random lengths cover 100 lineal feet - Size 4"x5" Random lengths cover 70 to 80 lineal feet

Snapped Steps
3' or 4' long x 18" deep x 5" to 7" tall - 5' and 6' steps available by order - Sold by each

Outcropping Steps

Sawn Boulder Steps
Typically cut into 6" or 7" rise slabs for a beautiful, consistent step - Sizes are irregular - Sold by the ton 

Outcropping, Boulders, and Rip Rap
Accent any landscape, backyard, or commercial to add genuine enhancement to any project - Sold by the ton 
Gator Dust

Used in between flagstone and stepper only - Can have joints from 1/2" to 4" wide - Covers between 20 - 30 sq ft per bag depending on the joint size
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